Sunday, April 20, 2008

Scribe for Friday, April 18, 2008 5th period

Welcome Comerades. Sit down in your assigned seats and be silent! Watch the screen that is at your desk.
That was how the day began. In the dark room illuminated by the laptop screens displaying a slide show filled with propaganda picture after propaganda picture. The group that presented put the room into four groups, each representing ministries. Behind the Ministry of Love, was the feared Room 101. Of course, a few rebelled instantly, and were sent away! And might I say, they misbehaved so much that we almost had to restrain them! Then, the presenters handed out a "Loyalty Assesment". It seemed that the tests only point was to rat out other members in your group. After all the Ministries had finished correcting a speech that Big Brother had given, then had discussions in small groups, then in one large group, and then were given the quiz on pages 225-274.
The homework was to bring a T-Shirt (I wish i had one of those lying around!) Have a good weekend all.

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