Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Scribe April 21, 2008 Period 2

As always, the class begins with a lovely, "Hello!" from Ms. Smith. The class, though, responded not as enthusiastically. So, we began a short discussion on how tired everyone was and how short the weekend was. Then, we wrote down the homework: Read 1984 (274-297),
    Grammar: exercise 10,
    Finish 1984 political t-shirts.
After that, Smith sent us off to work on our political t-shirts in our groups, and when she clapped her hands for us to get going, she hurt herself because of a scar she had on her left wrist. After the groups assembled, we began work. Fortunately, I came to be included in a group with Jose, Mark, and Nile. Jose had basically finished the t-shirt already. So, that went into the drop box. Afterward, Mark called to Molly for whatever reason, and the rest of us had to find something to do. Jose and I spoke of starting a business by buying products in bulk for a cheaper price and selling them again. Nile fiddled with a lemonade stand game online. Mark decided to play multiple games on some website. The rest of the groups either continued working or also played games. I assume the later, but I did see some people actually doing something productive. 
As class progressed, a couple people went to Ms. Smith for scheduling, but the class, overall, maintained the same status: playing games or working on something.

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