Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Snowy Morning in Period 2

Mrs. Smith greeted us today with her usual, "Hello Everybody!" Then we breifly talked about the snow and how it will be nice to have snow in the mountains now so people can go skiing!!! We also recapped very quickly who watched Charlie Brown Christmas last night and Ms. Smith was very excited that Helio won Dancing with the Stars.

We then turned in our comparasion activity. If you were absent today you probably want to get this turned in tomorrow.

We took a vote and decided to read chapter 7 out loud in a big circle. Mrs. Smith read for a while then everybody read a paragraph. We discussed the power that Danny has as the son of the tzaddik. When Danny and Rueven arrive at the synagog, all of the men crowding around the synagog part to let Danny and Rueven through.

It was a really good day today in english. We got a lot of Chapter 7 read and had some good conversation.

Homework: Finish reading Chapter 7. Keep working on relationship trace. This is due on December 4th.

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