Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here's the place to continue the conversation from the Pink Live-Blog.

Hey everyone. Here's that blog I talked about. Anyone can comment, so just have fun talking!


ParkerH said...

I would like to bring up a topic, which no one has to comment on if they don't want too. It is, which sense would you like to "work" on the most? I don't mean like a job, just to get better at that sense.

Personally, I would choose empathy. If you read the blog, you saw me talk about microexpressions and such. I would really like to learn that, and it would also be good just to be more empathetic. I feel like everyone should have at least some empathy, and I want to be able to say that I do, and actually walk my talk.

kristinah said...

I feel that I would like to learn the ability to see negative space because I think that it brings a lot more meaning to things that you didn't know about. I also think that it would be fun to see what most people do not.

hannahl said...

I think I would work on symphony. I do see the big picture in life, but I tend to get very bogged down by unimportant details, like getting a 39.5/40 on a paper. It is absurd to waste energy caring about tiny things like that and I am consciously trying to work on realizing that life is not about those small things, but the big picture. It is an interesting sense to examine and try to put into use.

mattw said...

Well I never gave myself the chance to ask this question, so I guess I'll put it hear to feel special.

I speak some french, and I also can speak some mandarin Chinese. Does that mean that I wouldn't have to worry about the "3 A's"?

ParkerH said...

Matt- I'm not quite sure what you mean by worrying about the three A's. I know what the A's are, but why would that exempt you from that? I don't really understand. Could you enlighten me?

mattw said...

basically, since I speak Chinese, to I have to worry about things like outsourcing?

more so, if anyone spoke an ASIAN language (namely chinese, japanese, or indian), would they need concern themselves with losing their jobs to outsourcing?

maddief said...

I think that I would work on my sense of Play. A lot of times I keep work and Play separate, but if I want to be happy in the career that I choose, I'll need to be able to enjoy it by allowing Play. There are some scenarios where Play and work need to be separate, such as a serious matter, but on a daily basis I need to let Play into my life.

Ryad said...

Hmm. If I was choosing what I want to work on it would be Play because I think it really helps you to have a positive attitude and things like that. If I was choosing something I had to work on it would be Empathy because it's not my strong point.

katyj said...

ok i dont know about every body else but i thought, that just the fact that Daniel Pink agreed to blog with a bunch of freshman. Normally adults would not even think about blogging, or talking to us, so i thought that it was really cool that Daniel Pink and Gary Stager, and so many other influenental adults blogged with us.